Serial Console Type

Here you can set up the different ways to access a serial console. The best known ones like IPMI, ILO2, Telnet, libvirt etc. are already predefined. The serial console type can then be converted into a machine object under: Machine > SERIAL CONSOLE > Type can be set.

-----------     -----------------------
| Machine |-----| Serial Console Type |
-----------     -----------------------

In the following are the fields for the Serial Console Type with explanations.

Name (required)

Name of the Serial Console Type.


Command which is required to access the serial console. In Orthos you use variables/objects to create a serial console type. These are written in double curly brackets {{ ... }}.

Example: virsh -c lxc+ssh://root@{{ machine.hypervisor.fqdn }}/system console {{ machine.hostname }}

The objects are taken from the machine object or the respective entries at the machine. Such as, for example.

  • Hostname = machine.Hostname

  • BMC FQDN = machine.bmc.fqdn

  • Hypervisor FQDN = machine.hypervisor.fqdn

  • Console Server FQDN = console_server.fqdn

  • IPMI User = ipmi.user

  • IPMI Password = ipmi.password


Additional information to the Serial Console Type.