Installation/Setup (Production system)

  1. Install the orthos2 package:
    $ zypper install orthos2
  2. Change nginx user to orthos:

    In /etc/nginx/nginx.conf add user  orthos orthos; to the beginning of the file

  3. Enter the correct server name to the nginx server conf:

    In /etc/nginx/conf.d/orthos2_nginx.conf replace in the server_name directive with the fqdn of the orthos2 server

  4. Deploy code to database

orthos-admin migrate
  1. Install fixtures (push data to database):

    1. In case of a fresh install - Load data from package data:

    orthos-admin loaddata /usr/share/orthos2/fixtures/data/*.json /usr/share/orthos2/fixtures/taskmanager/*.json
    1. In case you want to load data from another orthos instance where you previously dumped data tables:

    orthos-admin loaddata "dumped_table.json"
  2. Create a superuser
    orthos-admin createsuperuser
  3. Create html files from templates
    orthos-admin collectstatic
  4. start all services
    systemctl enable nginx
    systemctl enable orthos2.socket
    systemctl enable orthos2.service
    systemctl enable orthos2_taskmanager
    systemctl start nginx
    systemctl start orthos2.socket
    systemctl start orthos2.service
    systemctl start orthos2_taskmanager