Systems and Enclosures


Systems are assigned to the machines accordingly, here the type of machine is determined. Most known systems are already stored in Orthos.

| Enclosure |
-------------     ------------
|  Machine  |-----|  System  |
-------------     ------------

System fields description:

Name (required)

Exact name of the system.

Example: BMC, Desktop, LPAR PowerPC etc.


Use this if the system a virtual system (VM Gast).


Machines that are declared as administrative are machines that belong to the Orthos system and network management. These machines cannot be reserved by the user.

Example: RemotePower


Under Enclosures the case (unit) is defined. A parent name for a unit with several devices can be defined. Several machines can then be assigned to the enclosure. If you create a machine object and you do not specify an enclosure, the name of the enclosure is formed from the FQDN of the machine.

| Platform  |
-------------     -----------
| Enclosure |-----| Machine |
-------------     -----------

System fields description:

Name (required)

Name of the Enclosure.


Here the machine platform is specified, this usually comes via the vendor.


Since Enclosure is the generic term of a complete system, this should be as precise as possible.