
Serial console in the web browser

Orthos provides the ability to use an interactive serial console in the web browser for each machine that has an entry for a serial console. The WebSocket communication protocol is used for this. To start the WebSocket service, the following command line must be executed (no HTTPS/TLS):

$ orthos-admin serialconsole-ws --start
Start websocket daemon on port 8010...


$ orthos-admin serialconsole-ws --start --wss\
    --crt <certificate>\
    --key <key>
Start websocket daemon on port 8010...


$ orthos-admin serialconsole-ws --start --wss\
    --crt /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/orthos.network.tld.crt\
    --key /etc/apache2/ssl.key/orthos.network.tld.pem
Start websocket daemon on port 8010...

Further configuraton information can be found in the Administrator`s Guide (websocket.*).

When the service establishes a SSH connection to invoke a command on a remote server, a SSH key without password is recommended. The key path just needs to be added to the SSH command (-i <identity_file>).

The output is available in the machine view under the tab Serial Console.

This feature was tested with Chromium Version 62.0.3202.89 (64-bit) and Firefox 52.5.0 (64-bit).